
We believe that community members, especially those who are directly impacted by the criminal legal system, are best positioned to lead efforts towards systemic change.



Convened in 2019, the Minnesota Coalition for Youth Justice advocates for policies, practices and programs that reduce racial and ethnic disparities, treat youth and families with dignity, and are informed by anti-racist and culturally sound practices. The coalition is composed of directly-impacted youth and community members and aligned partner organizations, all of whom believe that transformational change is imperative for Minnesota youth to access justice that is led with equity and love, rooted in humanity, and responsive to the strengths and needs of youth, families, and communities.

End Youth Prisons MN

End Youth Prisons MN is a storytelling, advocacy, and organizing campaign to end youth incarceration in Minnesota and build power among young people and their families. The campaign uses storytelling & the arts, radical theories, and direct action organizing to shift local narratives and policy. Launched in June 2022, the campaign centers young people’s visions for systems change and prison abolition, especially those of currently incarcerated youth, formerly incarcerated youth, and youth who are at greatest risk of becoming involved in the juvenile justice system.