At the legal rights center, we're weaving new worlds.

When you make a gift to the Legal Rights Center, you support our mission to seek justice and promote racial equity for those to whom it has been historically denied.

Help us continue to provide our services for free by making a gift now! We are grateful for your partnership as we work together towards legal system transformation. 

Credit Card Donations

To make a tax-deductible donation online payable by credit card, fill out the embedded form below.

Check Donations

To make a tax-deductible donation by check, send a check (made payable to “Legal Rights Center”) to us at 1611 Park Avenue South, Minneapolis MN 55404. 

Securities Donations

The Legal Rights Center can accept donations of stock shares and other liquid investments. Please contact Veronica Gonzalez De Becerril, LRC Administrator, by e-mail at, or by phone at (612) 677-2121 for more information.

Equipment In-Kind DOnations

If you would like to donate new or used office equipment, computers, furniture, supplies, or other material that might be useful to our work, or if you are able to donate business services,  Contact Veronica Gonzalez De Becerril, LRC Administrator, by e-mail at, or by phone at (612) 677-2121.